Hope the information noobs like me to save some time in the future.Program 35 (XML version) uses TradeStation XML (Extensible Markup Language) objects to transfer horizontal line levels from one chart to another (or from one chart to several others). However, I was not able to make that work with the the OrderTicket class. There is a better way to do that with the providers class PositionsProvider. I use the GetPositionQty command to get the position qty. OrderTicket1.Type = 1 //Limit=1, Market =2 PositionQty = GetPositionQuantity (UserSymbol,UserAccount)

This works really well in indicator, must add the providers class and init them: Which can/must be added to the code from the toolbox in TS Development Envi. They encourage to use the Providers Object/Class.

I realized that macro commands and such are not prefered methods by TS. I tested all the options at long and large. No matter what other people says on the net. So, i did some research and like you said it turns out that you can't use that macro command or any other buy/sell commands from an indicator, it can be used on strategies only. This is what i found and i hope it helps some future noobs like me. OrderValid = LimitOrder ("OncePerBar", "SIM8625555M", "Buy", "Equity", EquitySymbol, OrderQty, "1min", "", Price_trigger) .PlaceOrder "Action='Buy', OrderType = 'Limit', Quantity = OrderQty, QuantityType = 'Shares', Route = 'Intelligent', Symbol = EquitySymbol, SymbolCategory = 'Equity'" // TRIED THIS, DIDN'T WORK PositionQty = Getnumpositions ("SIM8625555M")

After much reading and research on the net, i'm still a bit confused as to which command/function can be used in indicator. Now I used the command LimitOrder, but it returns me as invalid order.

PlaceOrder, EZL didn't like it when verified. I first tried the function Buy/Sell, EZL tells me that's not allowed in indicator. But, when i get the signal I want to place an order from the indicator itself. I created an indicator that signal buy/sell and plot. I'm very new to EZL, so sorry for the stupid question.