If these changes do not occur, that means that the PC did not detect the phone. Otherwise, a Google Search can also give several download links for the newest version. The first step of the process should be downloading the latest version of Odin software available. Hence if you have Samsung Kies, then you need to make sure it is not running, or best uninstall it before beginning the process with Odin. Often Samsung Kies is incompatible with Odin.Preferably maintain 80% or above charge levels. The phone should have ample charge before starting the flashing process.

Enablable USB debugging on the Android device.Create back-up for the entire phone data and settings like APN Settings, SMS settings, etc.Majority of the phones will directly install their drivers once connected to the PC. Download and install phone USB driverson the PC to be used.To begin with, here are some precautionary steps that need to be taken to ensure safety: