This translation is controlled by Speed, LinearResponsiveness, and ServoMaxForce. If a cylindrical's ActuatorType is set to Servo, it attempts to translate the attachments to a set separation specified by TargetPosition. You can further control this translation through both MotorMaxAcceleration and MotorMaxForce. If a cylindrical's ActuatorType is set to Motor, it attempts to translate the attachments with the goal of reaching Velocity. This rotation is controlled by AngularSpeed, AngularResponsiveness, and ServoMaxTorque. If a cylindrical's AngularActuatorType is set to Servo, it attempts to rotate to an angle specified by TargetAngle. You can further control this rotation through both MotorMaxAngularAcceleration and MotorMaxTorque. If a cylindrical's AngularActuatorType is set to Motor, it attempts to rotate the attachments with the goal of reaching its AngularVelocity. To ensure rotation occurs around the desired axis, each attachment's Axis and SecondaryAxis - visualized by the yellow and orange arrows - should point in the same direction. Orientation of the attachments affects how the cylindrical aspect will rotate.

Enabling the LimitsEnabled property exposes the UpperAngle value to restrict tilt within a cone it also exposes the TwistLimitsEnabled property which, when enabled, lets you restrict twist rotation through the TwistLowerAngle and TwistUpperAngle limits. You can set limits to restrict both tilt and twist of a ball socket, similar to how a human's head can tilt and turn within a limited axial range. However, you can enable limits to restrict both tilt and twist. Two attachments into the same position and allows them to freely rotate aboutĪll three axes. Also see Roblox Units to understand how Roblox units compare to metric units. See each constraint's API page for complete details on each available property.

The following overviews illustrate basic functionality and outline the most common customization options. For example, if two parts are attached by a RopeConstraint and you drag one part around the scene, the other part will follow as the rope becomes taut. This forces parts to obey physical limitations definedīy their constraints. To simulate constraints while moving or rotating parts, you can switch to Physical mode in

Completed SpringConstraint connecting two attachments Most mechanical constraints require a secondary attachment in their functionality, so the tool will typically prompt you to repeat the previous step on another Part, MeshPart, or Attachment.